Self Evauluation
Blogs and What I've Learned
So far these blogs feel pretty good. So far the only concern I have for my self is being punctual with my submissions. Also, I completely forgot these posts were supposed to be in MLA format. The only real and true Editing/review I do is through Grammarly it helps me catch errors in my writing. I think my work so far is the best reflection of me because it's written how I conduct my speech. Honestly, I couldn't care less if people saw my posts if they don't like it or have a strong opposite opinion about my posts then they can move along(besides constructive criticism of course). As I said above IAM A KING OF PROCRASTINATION.
Its a bad thing but waiting the night before I feel gives me an adrenaline boost and honestly feels like my work is much better than if I did it in a timely manner. So far I've learned that blogs are relatively popular everywhere. I didn't really think people went online to read blogs but people are really out here making BANK for just posting every few days or whatever. I hope in class we discuss subjects that I'm well acquainted with cars, Video games, and any of my hobbies.
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