Diffrent Grad Rates

To me, money is the biggest reason graduation rates are so different. College prices are nothing near affordable to regular everyday citizens. With this being said most college students tend to work while attending classes. This in combination with the stress of academics causes students to fall behind. Eventually, the student either drops a few classes to cope with the job or the student drops out entirely to focus on getting that bread. With that being said, this GREATLY impacts the rate of graduation. According to the College Insider by Lynn O'Shaunessy the rate of graduation is "33.3%" for 4- year students and "the six-year rate is 57.6%." This is an example of students dropping classes to cope with work. So instead of 4 years, they end up staying 6 years.
Another main reason why students graduate rates family situations. I know someone personally who has been affected by this reason. After graduating from high school my friend basically was drafted into his parent's company. He started off going to college and working but later in the semester, his father fell ill. He dropped several classes to pick up the slack of the company. So now instead of graduating in 4 years, he will be doing the six-year plan.
Some freshmen keep doing the same bad habits they did in high school (senioritis) this carries over into college and they are forced to take longer to receive their degree.
O’shaunessy, Lyyn. “Federal Government Publishes More Complete Graduation Rate Data.” Cappex, Cappex, www.cappex.com/articles/blog/government-publishes-graduation-rate-data. Accessed 11 Sept. 2020.
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